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The following pieces are from gallery installation promos for my 3D animation Worn Out Doll and film shorts (e)scapes and Who Will We Be Tomorrow?

My creative partner and friend, Matt Sommers, was the model for the (e)scapes short. I used a production still layered with another frame from the piece and manipulated the frame colors in Photoshop. I wanted to create a promo that captured the otherworldly feel of the film.


(e)scapes is one of my favorite pieces. It was created to capture the feel of the song White River Junction by The Orb, which is used in the piece. I drastically edited the audio to capture the build up to the point of elation in the piece. Visuals included film and landscapes I created and animated in Bryce.

Worn Out Doll is a 3D animation short created in 3D Studio Max. It started out as a student project while I was attending art college but years later, became a gallery installation piece for the exhibit Oh, You Beautiful Doll!  while my work was represented by Anatomically Correct in Chicago.


In 40 seconds of animation & music, there is an entire mood shift. That was one of my goals in this piece was to articulate the power of ambient music/sounds and illustrate it in a visual. I have a dark sense of humor, so what translates to most as being dark and sad actually ends on a humorous note to me. Ironically, the messaging that went out on Worn Out Doll when it became an exhibit feature years later was not my assessment but that of those viewing it in the context of the event itself.


The music used (by permission) for this animation comes from the cd Calm Hades Float by Windsor for the Derby. I took the second song on the cd, which was over 6 minutes long, and edited it down to 40 seconds. The whole song is cryptically beautiful and even 40 seconds in the animation still delivers a powerful kick to the senses.


The artwork for Who Will We Be Tomorrow?  is from a production still in the film short. I was using a filter in After Effects and combining three different pieces of footage together, and the beautiful illustration below was the result. Maja Kalabic was the model for the film and this illustration, which is titled Colrful K Os. At some point, I do wish to paint this piece.

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